Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's been awhile!

After we moved in, life got busy. Nothing major happened, just life. Enoch is doing great. This past week I looked into preschool for him. We spent a good 45 minutes in the classroom, and he absolutely LOVED it. The preschool requires that the parent stay with their child for the class (at least for the two-year classroom). I will start him up in January, and he'll be attending every Friday and every other Tuesday for 2 1/2 hours. He's excited about 'his school'. Oakley has grwon tremendously. He's 5 months now and is quickly catching up to Enoch. He's already wearing 9-12 months clothes. We've started him on solids recently and today, we found out he loves applesauce. He's rolling over like crazy. For Christmas, we got him a toy that encourages him to crawl. He's shown the first steps of crawling, and we anticapate baby-proofing once again soon enough. Nathan and I are constantly tired and looking for opportunities to nap. Enough said!

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