Monday, August 10, 2009

A New Home

So we've been in our new place for a week now, and absolutely loving it. Enoch is having a little bit of a hard time though. The other day he was crying over seemingly nothing; you know how two year olds are. We were kinda ignoring his cries, until he shouted out "I want to go home" It totally pulled my heart strings, and it was then that I realized that he really wasn't enjoying the move. All his toys were packed away, and when he'd ask for various things, I would respond with "It's still packed away, when I find it, I'll let you know" Poor guy, he's been in limbo land. It seems now that we have most of the boxes cleared, he is doing much better. He now tells me when we are out running errands that he wants to go to the 'new house' He is loving the big yard that we have and playing in his room; AKA the playroom. We hope to be here a long time and start good memories here for Enoch and Oakley.

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