Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's been awhile!

After we moved in, life got busy. Nothing major happened, just life. Enoch is doing great. This past week I looked into preschool for him. We spent a good 45 minutes in the classroom, and he absolutely LOVED it. The preschool requires that the parent stay with their child for the class (at least for the two-year classroom). I will start him up in January, and he'll be attending every Friday and every other Tuesday for 2 1/2 hours. He's excited about 'his school'. Oakley has grwon tremendously. He's 5 months now and is quickly catching up to Enoch. He's already wearing 9-12 months clothes. We've started him on solids recently and today, we found out he loves applesauce. He's rolling over like crazy. For Christmas, we got him a toy that encourages him to crawl. He's shown the first steps of crawling, and we anticapate baby-proofing once again soon enough. Nathan and I are constantly tired and looking for opportunities to nap. Enough said!

Monday, August 10, 2009

A New Home

So we've been in our new place for a week now, and absolutely loving it. Enoch is having a little bit of a hard time though. The other day he was crying over seemingly nothing; you know how two year olds are. We were kinda ignoring his cries, until he shouted out "I want to go home" It totally pulled my heart strings, and it was then that I realized that he really wasn't enjoying the move. All his toys were packed away, and when he'd ask for various things, I would respond with "It's still packed away, when I find it, I'll let you know" Poor guy, he's been in limbo land. It seems now that we have most of the boxes cleared, he is doing much better. He now tells me when we are out running errands that he wants to go to the 'new house' He is loving the big yard that we have and playing in his room; AKA the playroom. We hope to be here a long time and start good memories here for Enoch and Oakley.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Brothers For Life

I love seeing my two boys together. Enoch has been a great big brother. He's quick to offer Oakley his paci when he's crying. He's always asking if Oakley can sleep in his bed at night. And he's always right there laying on the floor next to Oakley, saying " Hi Oakwee, whatcha doin', Oakwee?", or reading him a book. It's crazy to think that Nathan and I were once scared of how Enoch would react to his new baby brother. Enoch has shown nothing but love to Oaks. I can't wait to see them together when they are older. So, here are some pictures of my two boys together, enjoying some brotherly love.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Can you tell who is who?

Ok, so here are the comparison pictures I have been wanting to get up. Sorry it took so long, our internet has been a little crazy. Can you tell which one is Enoch, and which one is Oakley? I 'tested' Nathan the other day, and he said the only way he could tell was because of the blankets they were in. And even after he responded correctly, I told him he was wrong, how sad is that? LOL Leave a comment with your guesses, and I'll post later the correct answer.

Out Numbered

So Monday I was officially outnumbered 2 to 1 for the whole day. Yes, Nathan is back at work full-time now. So far, nothing major has happened. Even when Enoch thought it was a good idea to put the whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet and flush, it still wasn't that bad. At least I caught the water before it got to the carpet, and we had cleaned the toilets that morning, so it wasn't *really* dirty water. Tuesday I took the boys to the pool by myself. (Ok, not really by myself, as it was playgroup and there were plenty of other moms around to help me out, but still, they had their little ones to look out for too!) Enoch thought he was invincable and decided I was too slow getting Oakley settled down. Yes, he decided at that moment that he could swim by himself, and so off the steps he went, and straight down under the water. Luckily my friend Coral was rightthere to pull him out. He probably actually liked it, it didn't scare him one bit. He is now quickly on his way to swimming by himself, and I am quickly looking into swimming lessons for that little dare devil. Today we went to storytime at the library. I can proudly say that nothing out of the norm happened, we all made is safely home, with no excitement! Hooray! Tomorrow is skating, and I'm starting to wonder what Enoch will try to do this time! Needless to say, I'm quickly learning that when everything is quiet, and I find myself thinking "all is good", that I will soon be very, very busy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oakley's Birthday

Here's the story of Oakley's birthday, for those that haven't heard yet. My water broke around 4:30 Saturday morning. We packed up Enoch and took him to a friend's house and then made our way to the hospital. I was having some painful contractions once we got there, but they never really got close enough to really be considered 'labor contractions'. After much thought over wether we should try inducing stronger contractions (it was now around 11 am), we decided the best thing would be to go for a repeat c-section. It was a hard decision for me to make. I was so set on trying a VBAC, but I couldn't put my baby in danger because of my selfishness. Oakley Boone Cox was born Saturday June 13th at 1:07 pm. He weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. A full pound heavier, and a full inch longer than Enoch; no wonder my belly was so big. We were discharged on Weds. June 17, one day after my due date! Oakley is in perfect health, and I am healing quickly. The stairs I was so scared of aren't really that big of a deal, I just am really slow going up them. Oakley is becoming a pro at eating, and sleeping! I think he sleeps more than Enoch did! Anyways, here's the pictures you've been waiting for. I can't believe how much he looks like Enoch. I will have to post some comparison shots in a few days. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Father Son Campout

Our stake had their annual Father Son Campout last night, and boy did Nathan and Enoch have fun! Enoch got a new backpack to carry his blanket, books, snacks, and of course, Tigger. He was such a big boy when I sent my two boys off together, he copied EVERYTHING his dad did, even squatted for the picture, just like dad. Nathan said he didn't want to come home this morning. Last night, after they made their beds, Enoch tried jumping on his sleeping bags and was confused as to why it wasn't 'jumpy' like his bed at home. If only I could have seen his expression. Apparently, he also made some new friends from the Petaluma ward, he's such a little social butterfly. I had the house to myself last night, and kept fighting the urge to go peek on Enoch before I went to bed.I think Enoch is the only one out of us three who got any sleep. Nathan said he slept through the night, but is a bed hog, just like his mom. WOW! I can't believe my son is old enough to go camping with dad, let the tradition begin!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Birthday Present

I had such a good birthday this year. Nathan got up yesterday with Enoch and they came and woke me up with a big "Happy Birthday". Then Nathan gave me my present; a new digital camera. I couldn't stop taking pictures yesterday! Enoch and I went to the Farmer's Market here in town and I couldn't help but snap some pictures. I think I'm going to start a type of photo journal. You take one photo a day, of anything that reminds you of your life at that time. It's not always of your children, it could be of their shoes, or of a favorite summertime past time. We'll see when I actually start this though, if I'm gonna do it, I have to commit to it. One picture a day, for 365 days!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Enoch at Cal Skate

I took Enoch to CalSkate a couple of weeks ago, and he absolutely loved it! They have a 'Tot Time' where parents can wear shoes onto the the rink, so they can help their little ones learn to skate. The first time we went, Enoch let go of my hand within the first minute he had them on. I guess I need him more than he needs me. Sniff Sniff. Anyways, he's doing great. The instructor, Erica, comes around and one-on-one teaches the kids how to fall down and then get back up. She's excellent. Enoch's not quite sure he wants to learn that now though. He did great last week (second time) and only fell down once. I'm thinking maybe I should be taking some classes, just so he doesn't show me up. I'm thinking this is going to be a regular weekly activity!