Monday, December 8, 2008

My Mom's Visit

So my mom was in town in late October, and we did the whole touristy thing and went to Alcatraz and ate at Pier 39. I have to say it was really a lot of fun, rain and all! Enoch LOVED exploring every inch of Alcatraz, and made it hard for us to listen to the audio tour. But we all had fun, and then went to eat at a yummy Italian restaurant and watched the sea lions on the pier outside. The next day, we went to Stinson Beach. My mom has missed the beach so much since leaving Texas, we just had to go. It was foggy when we got there, and down right cold, but that didn't stop Enoch from running to catch the waves. By the end of the day, he was down to his diaper and covered in a towel we found in the car. We weren't really planning on getting wet, but he had a different idea. All in all, we had fun while my mom was here, and we even got sneak in a date and didn't even have to pay for a babysitter!

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