So Monday I was officially outnumbered 2 to 1 for the whole day. Yes, Nathan is back at work full-time now. So far, nothing major has happened. Even when Enoch thought it was a good idea to put the whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet and flush, it still wasn't that bad. At least I caught the water before it got to the carpet, and we had cleaned the toilets that morning, so it wasn't *really* dirty water. Tuesday I took the boys to the pool by myself. (Ok, not really by myself, as it was playgroup and there were plenty of other moms around to help me out, but still, they had their little ones to look out for too!) Enoch thought he was invincable and decided I was too slow getting Oakley settled down. Yes, he decided at that moment that he could swim by himself, and so off the steps he went, and straight down under the water. Luckily my friend Coral was rightthere to pull him out. He probably actually liked it, it didn't scare him one bit. He is now quickly on his way to swimming by himself, and I am quickly looking into swimming lessons for that little dare devil. Today we went to storytime at the library. I can proudly say that nothing out of the norm happened, we all made is safely home, with no excitement! Hooray! Tomorrow is skating, and I'm starting to wonder what Enoch will try to do this time! Needless to say, I'm quickly learning that when everything is quiet, and I find myself thinking "all is good", that I will soon be very, very busy.