Here's the story of Oakley's birthday, for those that haven't heard yet. My water broke around 4:30 Saturday morning. We packed up Enoch and took him to a friend's house and then made our way to the hospital. I was having some painful contractions once we got there, but they never really got close enough to really be considered 'labor contractions'. After much thought over wether we should try inducing stronger contractions (it was now around 11 am), we decided the best thing would be to go for a repeat c-section. It was a hard decision for me to make. I was so set on trying a VBAC, but I couldn't put my baby in danger because of my selfishness. Oakley Boone Cox was born Saturday June 13th at 1:07 pm. He weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. A full pound heavier, and a full inch longer than Enoch; no wonder my belly was so big. We were discharged on Weds. June 17, one day after my due date! Oakley is in perfect health, and I am healing quickly. The stairs I was so scared of aren't really that big of a deal, I just am really slow going up them. Oakley is becoming a pro at eating, and sleeping! I think he sleeps more than Enoch did! Anyways, here's the pictures you've been waiting for. I can't believe how much he looks like Enoch. I will have to post some comparison shots in a few days. Enjoy!